La venganza de las audiencias versus los poderosos medios heridos


"Young people still want to be citizens, but from another planet, from another society, from another family, from another school, from another street," said communication theorist Jesús Martín Barbero in an interview with CLACSO TV in 2014. And there is One must ask oneself: by what means, in what formats and through what products would the process to reach this new citizenship to which, according to the theoretician, the youth aspire, or at least a part of it has begun to be told? of them? Do the traditional media have the power of the story?...

How to Cite

Estudios Sociales. (2023). La venganza de las audiencias versus los poderosos medios heridos. Revista Estudios Sociales, 45(166), 5–9. Retrieved from