Who’s in the news?: Missing voices in the media

Solange de la Cruz Matos

Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD), Dominican Republic

Published : 2022-12-03

Section : Scientific articles


This report presents the results of the Global Media Monitoring 2020 (GMMP-2020) organized collaboratively by WACC and UN Women, with the participation of 116 countries. 30,172 stories published in newspapers, broadcast on radio and television, and on news websites and through news media tweets were monitored.
In the Dominican Republic it was coordinated by ESPACINSULAR. The national results, consistent with the global conclusions, reveal that the presence of women in the news continues to be in a significant minority compared to men. Women were subjects or sources of the news in 26% of the reports, which represents a slight decrease with the national result of the GMMP-2015, when this percentage was 27%, reiterating the partial invisibility of women in the news. .

Gender communication research stereotypes GMMP-2020

How to Cite

de la Cruz Matos, S. (2022). Who’s in the news?: Missing voices in the media. Revista Estudios Sociales, 45(166), 10–25. Retrieved from https://estudiossociales.bono.edu.do/index.php/es/article/view/1064


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