Impacto de la Ley 87-01 que crea el Sistema Dominicano de Seguridad Social sobre la equidad del Sistema Nacional de Salud

Rosa María Cañete Alonso

Published : 2020-12-29

Section : Content


The aim of the paper is to analyze the impact that the Act by which the Dominican Social Security System is created (87-01) will have on equity, particularly in health issues. The analysis is mainly directed at service provision and its impact on financing methods. In arder to reach a very positive conclusion, the author previously analyzes the characteristics of the health sector in Dominican Republic before the Act was passed, and describes the main characteristics of the new Family Health Insurance.

How to Cite

Cañete Alonso, R. M. . (2020). Impacto de la Ley 87-01 que crea el Sistema Dominicano de Seguridad Social sobre la equidad del Sistema Nacional de Salud. Revista Estudios Sociales, 37(137). Retrieved from