Sociedad Civil: Sus aportes a la democracia y a la construcción de ciudadanía

Retos y desafíos para el próximo cuatrienio

Ana Selman Fernández

Published : 2004-01-01

Section : Content


Using as a point of departure the concept analysis of civil society, the author studies the main obstacles found among critics and organizations. Studies several facets of general poIitical progress in the country as well as the contribution made by civil society towards the establishment of a real State. Finally, the author adventures sorne of the challenges civil organizations would certainly find during the next four years of a new team in the government and an old crisis.

Sociedad Civil democracia ciudadanía

How to Cite

Selman Fernández, A. . (2004). Sociedad Civil: Sus aportes a la democracia y a la construcción de ciudadanía: Retos y desafíos para el próximo cuatrienio. Revista Estudios Sociales, 37(135). Retrieved from