Small businesses: a technique of submission for women in the development device

Julio Roque de Escobar, s.j.

Published : 2021-01-13

Section : Content


The author shows how development policies geared to include marginal subjects in its optic, in reality, push these away towards the opposite extreme of that which implies being the subject of ones destiny. They push them to reproduce, inadvertently, a network of relations which objectify their identity, precisely in the sense in which this identity no longer concerns ones own subjectivity, but merely assumes unquestioningly traditional reality. The article deals specifically with women owners of small businesses in the Dominican Republic. The analysis is done within the frame of reference provided by the work of Michel Foucault.

How to Cite

Vezina, A. ., & Roque de Escobar, s.j., J. . (2021). Small businesses: a technique of submission for women in the development device. Revista Estudios Sociales, 36(131), 29–58. Retrieved from