Desencuentro étnico y reduccionismo intelectual del problema racial

Published : 2021-01-15

Section : Content


The article begins with the two different types of society in the colonial era, continuing with the Haitian occupation at the beginning of the 19'" century, and goes on to the massacre of the Haitians in the border, orchestrated by Trujillo a century later, also including the ensuing periodo The article arrives then at the contemporary period with the confrontation between Aristide and Balaguer, Cedras' coup against Aristide, and the support it receives from the Dominican elite. The DominicanHaitian relations are reviewed in these different historical periods on the basis of a sociological method which tries to go beyond an epidermal racism to explain them.

How to Cite

Cordero, W. . (2021). Desencuentro étnico y reduccionismo intelectual del problema racial. Revista Estudios Sociales, 35(129). Retrieved from