El Concepto Domínico Americano ¿Cómo llamarlos / nos?

José Ramón Núñez

Published : 2021-01-16

Section : Content


The author tries to determine what a dominican american is. He does this through five different approaches: legality, geography, history, philosophy and destiny; afterwards he holds up the result of this analysis to the popular stereotypes which hover over the designations of the dominican people in the United States. The ensuing selectivity necessarily leaves many out who would otherwise qualify as dominican americans in the common popular representation; but this is necessary so that the term not lose all relevance or positive significance and, aboye all, it's historical and political character.

How to Cite

Núñez, J. R. . (2021). El Concepto Domínico Americano ¿Cómo llamarlos / nos?. Revista Estudios Sociales, 34(123). Retrieved from https://estudiossociales.bono.edu.do/index.php/es/article/view/238