Diez mandamientos para ser un buen maestro

Pedro Suárez S.J.

Published : 2021-01-16

Section : Content


The article not only goes over the importance of a syllabus or program mapping out the work and objectives of the course, of fair evaluations, of a frequent review of c1ass material and of taking one's bearings to see where the student is at; it reminds the teacher that there is behind all this a teacher-student relationship which he should value aboye everything else. The relationship between teacher and student should, ideally, be that of love; teaching approximating, therefore, a kind of priesthood.

How to Cite

Suárez S.J., P. (2021). Diez mandamientos para ser un buen maestro. Revista Estudios Sociales, 33(122). Retrieved from https://estudiossociales.bono.edu.do/index.php/es/article/view/249