Gender, Integration and Development: a Look at the Women of Central America and the Dominican Republic

Miosotis Rivas Peña

Published : 2020-10-12

Section : Content


The present article is based on two technical datasheets about Gender,
Integration and Development issues that have been formulated for the extraordinary meeting of the Chiefs of States and Governments of the countries of the Central American Integration System.
The first paper places emphasis on women´s economic autonomy. The
disproportionate and negative impact of the crisis on women´s quality of
life justifies taking economic and social measures to improve their situation.
The second paper addresses the question of women’s political participation,
analyzing gender quota and parity systems for Women’s Political Participation.
A state legislative action and a public policy are now required to promote and
facilitate the conditions for the enjoyment and the full exercise of the rights of
half the population of the region.

How to Cite

Rivas Peña, M. . (2020). Gender, Integration and Development: a Look at the Women of Central America and the Dominican Republic. Revista Estudios Sociales, 41(152). Retrieved from