Más eficiencia y calidad en la educación dominicana: ¿queremos y podemos pagarla?
Este trabajo se presentó en el Seminario Nacional “La Nueva Reforma Educativa: el reto de la calidad y el financiamiento” organizado por FLACSO, PREAL, EDUCA y PUCMM el 27 de noviembre 2008.
Jefrey Lizardo
jefreylizardo@yahoo.comPublished : 2020-10-23
Section : Content
Historically, in the Dominican Republic, there persists an important debate
around investment in education due to its connections with ending poverty.
This article discusses the difficulties that investment in education had in the
Dominican Republic, its volatility, especially in the face of fiscal adjustments
at times of crisis. Describes how these difficulties prevent from the state from
reaching the amounts needed to accomplish the goals regarding investment
in education. As a result of the banking crisis of 2003, investment in education
was not prioritized, as recommended by international observers. The author
shows that during this period investment declined just at the moment when
it was increasing. Had investments continued as planned, they would account
for up to 4.3% of GDP today. Calculations show, however, that 3.2% would be
enough to begin to guarantee fair and inclusive education.