Informe “Situación de las mujeres que realizan actividad sexual comercial en Santo Domingo y La Romana”


This is a descriptive, quantitative and qualitative study, realized with information released form 100 women working in the sexual business in the cities of Santo Domingo and La Romana. These women are between 18 and 35 years old, with low education (low educated) and, in the most part, they live without partner. The research reveals that many factors that help women working in sexual business are structural: poverty, lack of job’s opportunities, gender disparity, between others. Rights violations by different actors (clients and policemen) and stigmatization are constant, so it is the risks existence for physical and mental health. The study reveals that majority wish to found a good job, get a home, fix up children’s issues or leave the sexual susiness. Institutions and State have to play an important role accompanying prostituted women and defending their own rights.

Mujeres Comercio Sexual Pobreza Derechos Humanos

How to Cite

Castillo, A., Gómez, A., & Comprés, L. (2020). Informe “Situación de las mujeres que realizan actividad sexual comercial en Santo Domingo y La Romana”. Revista Estudios Sociales, 39(147). Retrieved from