Towards a Deconstruction of Discoursive Racism: The Case of Subsaharian Immigrants


This article examines the representation of Subsaharian immigrants in Spain
by newspaper articles. It underscores how newspapers represent immigrants
and how they may inform readers’ reception of Subsaharian migrants. The
framework provided by Critical Discourse Analysis (ACD) is employed to
study how language, passive tenses, testimonies, and other rhetorical devices
get deployed in these representations. The pieces analyzed include articles
published by the main three Spanish newspapers: El País, El Mundo, and ABC.
The author argues that Subsaharian immigrants are represented in a negative
fashion in the news, a fact that undermines their integration in Spanish society
and reinforces racist attitudes.

How to Cite

Martínez Lirola, M. . (2020). Towards a Deconstruction of Discoursive Racism: The Case of Subsaharian Immigrants. Revista Estudios Sociales, 41(154). Retrieved from