Las comunidades de aprendizaje como proceso de construcción social

Dignora García

Carmen Sánchez

Ana Dilia Brisita

Iluminada Rosario

Published : 2021-01-12

Section : Content


The general strategies are tackled which give way to the development of "Iearning communities" as intentional processes of the construction of an inclusive and emancipating pedagogy. In this respect, a revision of the logic of its consolidation is proposed. In addition, the non reductive character of its conception of human development, oriented to the current discussion about the "Iearning communities", is highlighted.

Comunidades de aprendizaje pedagogía incluyente

How to Cite

García, D. ., Sánchez, C., Brisita, A. D., & Rosario, I. . (2021). Las comunidades de aprendizaje como proceso de construcción social. Revista Estudios Sociales, 37(136). Retrieved from