The Domínícan educatíonal reform of the 90's as a result of the díspute between dífferent ratíonalítíes


This analysis of the Dominican educational reform faces us with four fundamental questions: the significant role of the intellectual critics in the process of the reform -it was their ideas which ended up in the documents and in the new social imaginary regarding education-; the recovery of a concept of the State as a guarantor of social rights; a concept of citizenship in which the individual is the subject of rights; and a new democratic rationality which calls for strengthening the governmental organism in charge of education and making it more efficient.

How to Cite

Espinosa-Miñoso, Y. ., & Dotel, O. (2021). The Domínícan educatíonal reform of the 90’s as a result of the díspute between dífferent ratíonalítíes. Revista Estudios Sociales, 36(132), 53–122. Retrieved from