Food Security in the Caribbean. What and how?

Julio A. Berdegué

Valentina Morales

Ignacio Roblero

Published : 2021-08-12

Section : Content


The article addresses the priority dimensions to advance in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal of zero hunger (SDG-2) with a particular focus on outlining strategies for the Caribbean region, with the purpose of contributing to the elimination of all forms of hunger and malnutrition by 2030. Also, an analysis of how the physical and economic availability of food, the use of food and its capacity to cover basic nutritional needs, and the stability in the time of access to sufficient, safe food take place in the Caribbean. Challenges to achieving food security are also addressed, underlining the importance of sustaining a comprehensive approach that enables the transformation of food systems.


policy design and implementation, Caribbean, food security, adequate nutrition, healthy diets, zero hunger, covid-19, food systems.

How to Cite

Berdegué, J. A. ., Morales, V., Roblero, I., & Salah, N. (2021). Food Security in the Caribbean. What and how? . Revista Estudios Sociales, 44(163), 137–158. Retrieved from