Voyage to the jungle: the imaginary, self-redemption, and Eurocentrism

Yuderkys Espinosa-Miñoso

Published : 2020-12-22

Section : Content


The author explores how Latin American identities were forged through the European gaze: first by the eyes of the conqueror and later by the creoles, who by necessity must incorporate First Nations and Blacks in a romantic and racist story of miscegenation, in which the European contribution equals civilization and progress. To understand how that narrative imposes itself, the author uses the analytic framework of modernity-coloniality-decoloniality.

colonial decolonial eurocentric indentity

How to Cite

Espinosa-Miñoso, Y. . (2020). Voyage to the jungle: the imaginary, self-redemption, and Eurocentrism. Revista Estudios Sociales, 42(160), 41–58. Retrieved from