Democracia deliberativa y desarrollo humano

Un rompecabezas difícil de armar

Pablo Mella S.J.

Instituto Superior Pedro Francisco Bonó

Published : 2021-01-13

Section : Content


For some time now, development agencies promote democratic values as part of their institutional policies. Inspired by Armatya Sen, they value public debate as a basic aliy of development policíes and projects. The author studies the notion of deliberative democracy (Habermas) to stake out the limits of public debate in non developed countries. He anaIyzes the case of the Citizen Forum in the Dominican Republic to iliustrate his point.

How to Cite

Mella S.J., P. . (2021). Democracia deliberativa y desarrollo humano: Un rompecabezas difícil de armar. Revista Estudios Sociales, 36(134). Retrieved from