La democracia dominicana en el año 2000 los límites de la opinión pública

Jean·Michel Caroit

Pablo Mella S.J.

Published : 2021-01-16

Section : Content


The author discusses the blind points of the press in the 00minican Republic. These result in part from structural factors such as its being in the hands of the financial sector, or fram its having to keep pace with governments which readily improvise their projects, but also from the timidity which does not let this press initiate a significant long range debate over the alternatives to the urgent problems of the nation.

How to Cite

Caroit, J. ., & Mella S.J., P. . (2021). La democracia dominicana en el año 2000 los límites de la opinión pública. Revista Estudios Sociales, 33(122). Retrieved from

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